Regulatory policy

We understand that our customers, visitors, users and others who are using websites owned/operated by us take privacy seriously.

Please read the privacy policy below to better understand the commitments we make to respect and protect your rights.

The privacy policy will explain how we receive, use and (under certain circumstances) disclose your personal information. The policy will also explain the steps we take to keep our customers' personal information secure. Finally, the privacy policy will explain your choices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.

This Privacy Policy is incorporated and is an integral part of the terms and Terms of Use under our policies posted on this website. When you access and use this website (including registering for online services), we understand that you agree to the content of this privacy policy and other relevant policies on this website. this website.

Users are advised to check back regularly for updates to this Privacy Policy. Please see item 10 for more information.

1. Personal information

All content you view on the website is intended to serve your information needs and help you choose services. Therefore, you can use the website without providing any personal information. However, in some cases, in connection with service registration, we may ask you to provide personal information.

In this privacy policy, "Personal Information" is understood to include your name, username, address, email address, phone number, profile picture or any other personal information that you provided, or any information about you collected in accordance with our policies in accordance with applicable law.

2. User Information Collection

2.1 Information provided by Users when accessing or using products and services on our website

Some of our Services require users to create an account or profile. In order to connect to use these Services, we may ask you to provide certain information about yourself in order to set up an account or profile.

By providing information to us through this website, you understand and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this privacy policy.

You expressly agree and consent that the personal information you provide on the website may be kept at our headquarters or offices, and/and that personal information may be stored at certain locations. existing or unknown server for the purpose of operating and developing our website and services.

If you order a product, request a service or submit feedback on the website, we may contact you to request additional information necessary for processing or completing your order. your order and/or request.

2.2 Information that we collect during your use of the service

We collect information about the services you use and how you use them. This information includes:

Device information - such as hardware model, IMEI number and other unique device identifiers, MAC address, IP address, operating system version and settings of the device you use to access Service.
Log log information - such as when and how long you use the Services, search query terms you enter through the Services, and any other information stored in cookies that we have placed on your device.
Location information - such as your device's GPS signal or information about nearby WiFi hotspots and cell towers may be transmitted to us when you use certain Services.
Other Information - about your use of the Service, such as the applications you use, the websites you visit, and how you interact with content made available through the Service.
The user's information collected by us will be used, stored and kept confidential like the information provided by the User in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.1 of this privacy policy and the provisions of law. related.

3. Use of User Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

Verify the identity of the user of the product or service; Contact and exchange with users information about products and services that our website provides.
Send you information about our policies, services and changes in policies, services or promotional information;
Make payment transactions, send notices during the transaction, confirm payment;
Provide customer care and support services. Upgrade our service; Handling complaints, collecting fees, settling incidents, disputes and complaints arising;
Allows you to use personally identifiable information to contact and be contacted by other users through authorized websites or websites.
Use your personal information for our business purposes, such as analyzing and managing our business activities, doing market research, testing and developing our products and services, identifying determine usage trends, determine the effectiveness of advertising and promotional strategies, results of product and service testing and other business purposes in accordance with current laws.
We may link with a number of other entities – our partners to provide products or services to you. At that time, we need and will exchange and provide your personal information to these units for them to complete your request. These units are also not allowed to use your personal information for other purposes and comply with privacy regulations when providing products and services to you. The use of user personal information by such partners is not under our control and we will not be responsible in this case.
We use browser cookies to:
(a) remember the login information so that you will not have to re-enter it on your next visit to our services,

(b) provide customized, personalized content and information;

(c) monitor the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns,

(d) monitoring aggregated metrics such as total number of visitors and traffic,

(e) diagnose or repair technical problems reported by users or our employees;

(f) query your information after you log in.

4. Storage of personal information

Your personal information will be stored by us at:

We store and process your personal information on servers located in our data centers in Vietnam.
Your personal information may also be stored at our headquarters or offices or at any of our other data backup facilities from time to time;
The period of storage of personal information is carried out in accordance with the law and our data storage purposes.
5. Disclosure of personal information

Your personal information may be required to be disclosed to the relevant government agency or third party in the following cases:

To provide services or products at your request; Or is it necessary to process the order (e.g. registration with VNNIC, dispute resolution)
Perform the obligations to provide personal information at the request of a competent state agency or as prescribed by law.
To protect us and other third parties: we only disclose account information and other personal information when we are confident that giving such information is in accordance with the law, protecting interests, property of you and other third parties.
In addition to the above disclosure circumstances, we will not provide personal information to a third party without your consent. We are committed to protecting your information, not buying and selling your personal information to other units for commercial purposes or for any other purpose that is inconsistent with the provisions of the law.

6. Record browser information (cookies)

From time to time, personal information may be put on your computer to help us improve our website or improve our services to you. This information is commonly known as "cookies". "Cookies" are pieces of information stored on your computer's hard disk or browser, not on a website. They allow to collect some information about your computer such as IP address, operating system, browser mode and addresses of related websites.

If you do not want to receive these cookies, or would like to be notified when these cookies are placed, you can set your browser to do this if your browser supports it. Please note, if you disable cookies, you will not be able to access or use certain features on the website that are not specified in advance. We are not intentionally restricting your use in this situation, this is only limited to programming and website building.

7. Ensure security of personal information

When developing the website, we may put in place commercially reasonable provisions to prevent illegal access and improper use of the personal information you have submitted to us. through the use of this website. If this website supports online transactions, it will apply a technology standard called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), to protect the confidentiality and safety of the data transmission.

As there is always a risk involved in providing personal data, whether provided in person, over the phone or over the internet, or through other technical means; and no technical system is completely secure or resistant to all "hackers" and "tampers" (those who enter illegally to rummage through information), we always try to take precautions. appropriate for each characteristic of the information to prevent and minimize possible risks when you use this website.

With the understanding that perfect security does not exist on the network (internet) environment, we use standard technology to protect personal information, including firewalls, layers of security keys, data encryption. Whether. We also have appropriate security measures in place in our facilities to protect the privacy of your personal information. Therefore, when we use reasonable security measures, we are not responsible for any loss or disclosure of your information. In addition, we are not responsible for the disclosure of your information by our partners or by other companies that are not under our control.

Otherwise, we ask that you do not disclose or share passwords or other identifying information we provide to you with anyone else, including our employees. Passwords and information collected are our property and your use may be revoked at our discretion. You are also prohibited from using any other password that is not your account password.

8. Adjustment of personal information

Whenever you use our services, we provide you with access to your personal information. If that information is incorrect, we allow you to quickly update or delete it – unless we must keep it for a legitimate business or legal purpose.

When we update your personal information, we may ask you to verify your identity before we process your request.

We may also actively or at your request add, correct or delete personal information data that is inaccurate, incomplete or not up to date while you are still associated with our activities. I.

9. Subject “Minor”

A minor means a child as defined by the laws of each country at the time of application. We refuse to serve individuals under the age of Minors in accordance with applicable law. Accordingly, minors are not entitled to purchase or attempt to use products, even free products or services based on the terms and conditions of this website without the consent of their parents. or guardian, legal representative, unless applicable or permitted by local law.

10. Change regulations on privacy policy of personal information

We may change this policy from time to time, including adding, changing, removing part or all of the content or suspending the website without notice to users. Amendments, additions, and removals of this privacy policy are updated and posted on this website.

The addition, change or removal of the content of this personal information privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on the website. In the event that we update the Privacy Policy and you use the Service after the update, it means that you agree to the new term(s) identified in the update.

 You can check the “effective date” listed at the bottom to see when the Privacy Policy was last updated.

11. Links off this website

Our Website and Services may link to third party websites and services that are beyond our control. We are not responsible for the safety or security of any information collected by other websites or services. You must exercise caution and consider the privacy decisions that apply to third-party websites and services that you use.

12. Contact and exchange information

We will contact and exchange information through the e-mail address you provide when registering for the service. In the event of a change or discovery of an illegal use of an e-mail address, please notify